Internasjonalt 2019

Internasjonale turneringer 2018

TURNERINGENE er alle i Nasjonal Terminliste ðŸ”— med mer informasjon

Open Catalunya 2018 will be from 6th to 8th of April. Catalunya

World Seniors Championship (55+) will be from 27th to 29th of April. 
P&P Verin . GaliciaEuropean Teams Cup 2018 will be from 22nd to 24th of June. 
P&P Urduña. Basc Country

Nations Tournement will be from 28th to 29th of July. Catalunya

Irish Open will be from 25th to 26th of Agust. P&P Seapoint. Ireland

Andorra Open 2018 will be from 21st to 23th of September. 
P&P La Xixerella. Andorra

Internasjonale turneringer 2017

April 22-23     Catalan Open     PITCH AND PUTT SANT CEBRIÀ
Dette er rett øst for Barcelona 3 km til nord for Sant Pol del Mar.
Se ellers Facebook event om hvem som reiser.

May 13-15       Iberian Team Open (open to all FIPPA associations)
          Orduña (Basque country) as requested by Victor Rodriguez, Galicia

July 7-9                3rd. World Strokeplay Championships    
                     Imjelt, NORGE

August (?)      Dutch Open  (will be a FIPPA event pending approval of
                       PPBN's application for renewed FIPPA membership)

September 23-24 VI Open d'Andorra a celebrar a Xixerella, Andorra.
                                     Invitation in english

6th-7th-8th October 2017.     TRADITIONAL PAIRS PAPALÚS Catalonia!
13-15 October             International Pair  Lleida Catalonia

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EPPA European Pitch and Putt Association.
FIPPA Federation of International Pitch and Putt Associations

Linker til andre lands Pitch og Putt Forbund
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kalender 2014: